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Chapter Resources

Chapter Formation Policies and Petitions

To form a new Society chapter, a petition, signed by no less than twelve (12) IEEE members, above Student grade who are also members of the Society, must be submitted for approval. In order to start a Student Chapter, a petition will need to be signed by no less than six (6) IEEE student members, who are also members of the Society, and an Advisor. The Advisor must be a professional member of the IEEE. Society membership is not required but encouraged.

Changes to chapter officer information needs to be submitted to both IEEE and IPS. Please report changes to IEEE via the vTools Officer Reporting Tool and access to the tool requires use of an IEEE Account. To report officer changes to IEEE Photonics Society for map updating, please email

IEEE Chapter Reporting

The IEEE requires that the chapters submit a report as the permanent records of the Section Secretary. A minimum of two reports per year are required for the chapter to remain active. Please submit reports here:

Other Resources for Chapter Chairs and Leadership:


Web hosting

  • IEEE provides website hosting for IEEE organizational units at no charge.
  • IEEE Entity Webhosting (EWH) is a service intended to meet the needs of IEEE Organizational Units that want to develop, create and maintain their own websites on an IEEE host. In 2022 all chapters will start to be required to have a webmaster and website
  • WebInABox assists officers with generating simple section websites in an automated fashion with no dependence on webmaster availability. You must be an IEEE Officer (e.g., Section Chair, Webmaster or vTools Coordinator) in order to use this service.
  • The Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) offers a ‘one stop’ training solution designed to serve the multiple and diverse range of IEEE user communities. From volunteers, non-volunteers to students, members, and conference organizers, the site offers a simpler and effective learning experience.
  • Logos and Templates for use with your chapter-related promotions and websites.

New Working with Children Guidelines

Through outreach and education initiatives, IEEE volunteers may support STEM efforts with children in diverse ways (examples below). However, all volunteers who interact with children, i.e. in-person or online, are now required to complete online training and register all STEM events.

  • Afterschool Programs & Clubs
  • Conferences
  • Mentoring Programs
  • STEM Workshops
  • Classroom Instruction

The online training is delivered by IEEE’s partner, Praesidium. The training must be completed every three years. If you currently participate in activities that involve working with children or plan to do so, please review the following important documents. The Guidelines are referenced within the IEEE Civility Policy.

These procedures apply to events that are specifically designed for children and IEEE Photonics staff will require the training to be taken by volunteers before any grant funding will be issued.

IEEE Guidelines For Working With Children (PDF, 683 KB)

IEEE Policies (PDF, 1 MB)

IEEE Activities with Children FAQs (PDF, 472 KB)